Calling All Sniper Pandas

I was recently “introduced” to The Brilliant Green. I put introduced in quotes because I’ve known about the band’s existence since high school, but never heard any of their music.

I know I’m probably totally behind in learning about these guys (and gal, since the singer’s female), but I thought I’d share anyway. For those that aren’t familiar, my good friend Wikipedia says The Brilliant Green is a Japanese pop rock band that formed in 1997 and is influenced by a lot of Western music, such as The Beatles. Nice.

I feel like I’ve missed out all these years, because the song that served as my introduction to the band, titled Ash Like Snow, is pretty awesome. It also serves as the intro theme for the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Double awesome, because Gundam is cool. I haven’t actually ever watched one of the Gundam series all the way through, but growing up as a kid all someone had to do was show me an awesome looking giant fighting robot (a la Power Rangers, Voltron, Transformers, etc.) and I’d be sold on whatever it was that person was trying to sell me.

On a side note, has anyone ever tried to assemble one of those Gundam models? The ones that have 100 bajillion little pieces that you have to piece together… and then it turns out after an hour all you made was the Gundam’s toe? I was horrible at those. Never had the patience (or talent) to build one completely. Kudos to anyone that has. You… have a lot of time on your hands, I guess.

So anyway, if you haven’t checked out The Brilliant Green, I’d highly recommend you do so. It’s never too late to play catch up, and all that means is that you have that much more music to keep your eardrums happy. And something about bands with girl singers is just cool.

You know though, to be honest, the official promotional video for Ash Like Snow below weirds me out. And it’s just one of many things, but… WHY ARE THERE PANDAS WITH SNIPER RIFLES?


  1. avatar
    Jonathan Hau says:

    The Brilliant Green is amazing πŸ˜€ Some of their newer songs you should check out:

    Stand By Me

    Older songs you should check out:

    Hello Another Way
    Forever to me
    Call My Name
    Ai no ai no hoshi
    Rainy Days Never Stays
    Sono speed de
    Tsumetai Hana

    Obviously a lot of Japanese that I’m not going to even type (just pulling names from my phone) but that’s a good mix of their stuff. Ash Like Snow is pretty unique for them since it’s really the only “harder” rock song πŸ™‚ Tommy (the girl singer) actually sings solo and has 2 personalities, Tommy Heavenly6 and Tommy February6. February6 is more pop (appealing to younger girls) and Heavenly6 is more rock oriented (2 songs I have are Pray and Unlimited Sky).

    They have released some new songs (maybe even an album?) but I haven’t checked them out yet. Will let you know when I do πŸ˜‰

    As for Gundam models… I built all the Gundam Wing Endless Waltz ones and have a Perfect Grade Wing Zero Custom… lol, love Gundam πŸ˜€

  2. avatar
    Jonathan Hau says:

    Oh, and There will be love there

    Good stuff! I swear!

  3. avatar
    Yasean says:

    I’m going to have to build up my Brilliant Green library! And how long did those models take you???

    I also heard you were at the show today. So sorry we missed you — next time you have to let me know you’re coming! Thanks for coming out and supporting us…I hope you enjoyed it!

  4. avatar
    Jonathan Hau says:

    Mmm… really depended on the model. Some I didn’t put a lot of effort into and others I tried to do quite a bit. The 1/100 models take a couple of hours just to build. Longer if you want to touch up all the cuts you have to make from the grids. If you want to paint them (they come pre-painted/colored) it takes longer still and if you want to touch up the lines with a black marker (Gundam marker) it takes longer still! Haha, it really depends how much effort you want to put into it.

    I’ve stopped buying models just because they’re tedious to build and I don’t really have room to put them anywhere (and they collect dust!) lol

    Like I told Mary and Gary, you guys were pretty busy so I didn’t want to bother you guys. It was a good show! Definitely cool to hear more of the dialogue even though I’m convinced those are the only songs you guys can play ;p Haha, more next time πŸ™‚

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