All posts tagged video games

Test Subjects Needed

A couple weeks ago, I came across the website After taking a psychological examination for “sensory based research”, I was prompted with the offer to sign up for the project. Despite the secrecy of the website and modern day issues with private data, I gave them all my information with no hesitation. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Me, obviously. Why? Because I’m playing a game.

Amazing Mass Effect Artwork

Mass Effect 3 cannot get here soon enough.  E3 only whetted my appetite.  Now I’ve learned that weapons are going to have customized attachments.  Hell yeah.  And the OMNI Blade?  […]

Greetings from Beantown

Ironically, I’ve yet to have any beans at all. Although that probably isn’t so ironic since we aren’t really in the colonial era anymore either. I did just have a […]

What Happens When You Die?

Now there’s a big question. How about I start by answering it in the context of video games? In video game history, the outlook after death is generally a bit […]


“Get out of my way, fat ass!” I stood there absolutely shocked as the hottest girl in my middle school humiliated me in front of the entire class. Let’s rewind, […]