All posts tagged performance

Live, Love, and Learn

Musical instruments have been a part of my life for a long time. When I was five, my parents got me started on the piano, and at seven, the violin. […]

Is Video Game Music Worthy of Live Performance?

Since video game music has become more commonly performed live around the world, it has sparked debate about its value, most recently in the article by Matt Wills on […]

“Photocopying” Music

As a kid, I definitely thought of video game music as blips, bleeps, and nonsense sounds flitting about in sound-space; it never occurred to me that video game music could […]

From London with Love

It was inevitable – sooner or later Blair was going to get sick of me and ship me off to a far away land. I just hadn’t expected it to […]

Robot Rock

If you checked out my last post, you may have noticed a Nintendo DS Lite as part of my bedroom “studio”. If you looked even closer, you might have noticed the iPod Touch as well. These aren’t just novelty music items; they serve unique aural or control purposes while providing an interesting way to interface with making music. I haven’t used either of these live yet, but I did use another device recently running a fantastic app.