The Blue Princess

Note: This review contains minor spoilers. Snow White sure had it rough, didn’t she? Living with dwarves. Getting drugged by her stepmother. Course, Aurora didn’t have it easy either. She […]

To the Studio!

So much stuff has happened in the last month! Most of it I can’t talk about yet, but I can tell you about our plans to do studio recordings of […]

Robot Rock

If you checked out my last post, you may have noticed a Nintendo DS Lite as part of my bedroom “studio”. If you looked even closer, you might have noticed the iPod Touch as well. These aren’t just novelty music items; they serve unique aural or control purposes while providing an interesting way to interface with making music. I haven’t used either of these live yet, but I did use another device recently running a fantastic app.

Time to Write Some Music!

There are many different tools and processes for transcribing and arranging music, so I thought I’d go over some of my process right here.  There’s also a little bonus you […]

Your Turn?

Bass. Drums. Anime. Video Games. Hideo. Interested?