For the past week or so, I’ve been playing through the Gears of War 3 beta. If you liked Gears of War 2, you’ll undoubtedly love the next installment. Almost […]
Wait, Ebert Said What Now?
Over a year ago, Roger Ebert made the infamous statement, “Video games can never be art”. In the following months, a heated debate ensued amongst everyone within the gaming community, largely defying the statement with numerous examples from over the years. While he ultimately somewhat apologized for his non-researched judgment, you can imagine my surprise when I saw what Ebert himself wrote on Twitter last week.
Most people dream of meeting a member of their favorite band, or a sports legend, or… Neil Patrick Harris. If you’re a 12 year old girl, maybe it’s Justin Bieber; […]
The Bald Mercenary – Character Synthesis Part 1
Batman has Robin. Kirk has Spock. Darkwing Duck has Launchpad McQuack. Sure, there are plenty of loner heroes out there, but most classic heroes have some kind of close friend […]
New Old School Computer Gaming
I’m writing today about one of my favorite games ever, Dungeon Crawl. As the screenshot suggests, this isn’t your typical game. I tend to enjoy the strategic and tactical complexity […]