The Recording Studio

It’s been a few weeks since our debut album’s release, and it feels great! A little scary, considering we’re out there… in the global marketplace… our voices and sounds as […]

LOST Music

I love Netflix. Why? Because it’s provided me countless hours of movies and TV shows (as if I actually have time to watch them) that I either thought weren’t worth […]

The Swarmatron: The Joys of Droning

I’m a big fan of sound design and unique instrumentation, and I’m always on the lookout for new ways of creating and manipulating sound. I reveled in the chance to create an ambient introduction for our version of ICO’s “You Were There”, and I’ve performed using an iPad and a Rock Band 3 keyboard. I keep a watchful eye out for new instruments on the cheap on Craigslist and eBay, but there’s one thing I know won’t be popping up on either of those sites any time soon due to its newfound popularity: the Swarmatron.

Hollywood’s Hideo

Here’s a question: What would Hideo be like if Hollywood took a stab at it?  The music would fade into the background.  The fight scenes would no doubt be longer.  […]

What Happens When You Die?

Now there’s a big question. How about I start by answering it in the context of video games? In video game history, the outlook after death is generally a bit […]