All posts in Random

Hollywood’s Hideo

Here’s a question: What would Hideo be like if Hollywood took a stab at it?  The music would fade into the background.  The fight scenes would no doubt be longer.  […]

What Happens When You Die?

Now there’s a big question. How about I start by answering it in the context of video games? In video game history, the outlook after death is generally a bit […]


“Get out of my way, fat ass!” I stood there absolutely shocked as the hottest girl in my middle school humiliated me in front of the entire class. Let’s rewind, […]

A Tale of Two Corgis (or How Cowboy Bebop Changed My Life)

My introduction to anime was a (seemingly) long time ago when I was in high school. The first thing I ever watched was Cowboy Bebop, which, of course, is arguably one of the best series ever made. Little did I know upon my first viewing that it would end up playing a significant influence in my future.

Calling All Sniper Pandas

I was recently “introduced” to The Brilliant Green. I put introduced in quotes because I’ve known about the band’s existence since high school, but never heard any of their music. […]